Since we started our journey to offer the world market highest quality products. Our mission at ADO Group is to offer our global customers, the best quality products and differentiating services on a global scale.

In this regard, ADO Group of companies are providing high quality PVC window systems, PVC profiles, wooden composite doors, composite panels and moulded products, composite reinforcement profiles (CRP), aluminium building materials, window and door hardware/accessories, PVC drill pipes, scaffolding and formwork systems. All ADO products are manufactured by utilizing innovative solutions with the most advanced technology to reach highest quality on a global scale.

ADO Group’s corporate structure aims to reach leadership, reliability to deliver perfection in all markets we operate along with our employees and all of our stakeholders. All ADO Group employees are committed to work enthusiastically to achieve a unique position for the Group in markets in which the Group operates both domestically and abroad by participating in successful and value adding projects.

To create a sustainable, stable growth, ADO Group of companies’ targets to operate based on integration and increased competitiveness by focusing on cost awareness, ultimate satisfaction of our employees and consumers as well as social responsibility and environmental awareness.

Algeria has been one of the most important markets in Adopen’s large foreign portfolio for the last decade. Adopen Algérie has started its manufacturing investment as Algerian-Turkish Joint Venture in 2021 and is fully operational since Septembre 2022 with the same production quality and competitive prices.

Adopen Algérie serves the Algerian market through its powerful distributorship network, and aims to be the most important player in its field. Furthermore, it aims to export to other African markets and expand its activities on the continent.